

영화로 생각 넓히기_모아나

어린이동산  2017년 2월 394호|6page


잡지명 어린이동산  2017년 2월 394호
잡지사 농민신문사홈페이지
잡지소개 [어린이동산] 어린이들이 상상력과 꿈을 키우는 것을 목표로 하여 자연과 역사에 대한 흥미로운 이야기, 교양, 각종 지식 만화 등 어린이를 위한 정보를 담은 월간 어린이 교양잡지입니다.

Children’s Garden is a magazine for children of 8-13, aimed to inspire imagination and dreams of the children.The magazine, published by The Farmers Newspaper Publishing Company, marks 30th anniversary this year and it is subscribed by individuals as well as elementary schools all around the country.The magazine is filled with informative contents including interesting stories on history and science, children's stories and cartoons, latest news on entertainments and sports, and articles on environment and produce.Moreover, every month, the magazine guides our readers to the world of wonderful nature by offering special features on insects, fish, birds and plants.